Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Baby Cakes for Zoe

See!  I told you I've been inspired...two posts in one day!!!

When I was in Houston for Lauren and Austin's homecoming, I was lucky to also get the chance to get together with one of my best friends from growing up, Stacey, and her husband Stephen.  If you remember, Stacey was the bride of the Christmas, red and metallic shower back in December.

Well, now there is a new reason to celebrate (and make desserts)!!  Stacey and Stephen are expecting their first baby in November - Baby Zoe!! 

A new baby means only one thing...I had to make "baby" cakes.  I made mini-cakes for Stacey and Stephen's pseudo-baby shower (since I won't be able to make the real one this month). 

My inspiration was the pink and white polka dot wrapping paper I used to wrap the baby gift (and the matching plates and napkins)!  Matching makes me smile.  :)

Some of the mini-cakes had little "Z"s for Zoe...not "N"s like my husband originally thought.  :)

I had so much fun with Stacey and Stephen and I cannot wait to meet Baby Zoe in just a few short months!!!

Welcome to Texas!!!

Well, well,'s been a loooong time since our last post.  That may even be an understatement.  Gwen and I have both been very busy and thus have not been crafting or baking very much as of late...she's the one with the new baby, though, so I must say that she has a way better excuse than me.  :)

My excuse is that my husband and I moved several months back and are now living temporarily in a tiny corporate apartment in Missouri where I don't have any of my craft or baking supplies.  :(  My other excuse is that quite simply...I have been very uninspired since we moved.  I am thinking it's because I need my "g" so that "k" can design.  Sorry...that was lame...I apologize.  :)

The good news is that I am beginning to get inspired again thanks to a couple of AWESOME blogs Gwen told me about.  Thank you to the girls over at Blonde Designs and Bakerella for sharing their super cute and creative ideas.

Alright...moving on to the latest project...

My little sister Lauren and her husband Austin just got back from spending a year teaching English in South Korea.  They had a great time, but now they're HOME!!!!!  My parents threw a welcome home party, and when I hear "party," I think "what kind of dessert should I make??"  

I decided on a Texas-themed cake...

With a welcome home banner...

And matching cupcakes!!!

I hadn't really thought about the size of the Texas flags (everything's bigger in Texas) before I got ready to put them on the cupcakes.  I almost thought I would have to just use the stars, but I was able to get the flags to stand up when I pushed in one corner.  I love how they matched the cake!

Welcome home Lauren and Austin!!  Yeehaw!